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Bringing Creative Joy to our Refugees
Sep 04, 2019
Make Give Live is all about community and wellbeing and so when we were offered the opportunity to be involved with helping newly arrived refugees settle into their new home here in New Zealand, we jumped at the chance.

Knit In Public Day
Jun 19, 2019
On Saturday 08 June the world knitted together. Knit in Public Day is an annual world wide event that encourages knitters and crocheters, to get out into a public space and knit together to spread knowledge of the craft and make it accessible to all. This year, Make Give Live hosted our second annual event, this time at the Atrium at Britomart. The venue was...

Why do we knit?
May 24, 2019
The Wonderful Kate We are all so busy, busy doing important stuff, busy being busy. But what if you could give yourself the gift of a little time ? Some time to sit and calm your mind and in the process make something beautiful, maybe learn some new skills. This is the gift of knitting. The therapeutic benefits of knitting are actually widely researched and...